questions are the guide to life
James Somers • More People Should Write
People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.
You don’t choose your passions. They choose you.
Jeff Bezos
I don’t what to do? How should I choose on what to do next?
Follow your innate curiosity. Paul Graham → Curiosity is the best guide. Your curiosity never lies and knows what’s worth paying attention to.
Related to isabel mind min talking about your heart and your brain that your heart will take in you direction your logical brain can’t
And similar to leland maschemeyer of and diagram of returning to the center. Follow the thread and bring it back to the center
“Retirement is lame” - Jeff Bezos
It is clear that the path forward for me is to seek that balance of hard, valuable, and fun in every project I start, join, back, or advise. Hard is for intellectual engagement, the search for solution by any means necessary. Valuable is the knowledge that if this, whatever this is, works, the world will never be the same. Fun is the sense of passi
... See • Some Lessons Learned
As more knowledge workers spend their days prompting LLMs, it’s become popular to argue that asking good questions is becoming more valuable. What is less obvious but I think more interesting is that it will expose how little we actually care about answers, and in turn, what makes questions so valuable in the first place.
Packy McCormick • Long Questions/Short Answers Long Questions/Short Answers
We all think what we want is answers. We don’t, actually. Answers are dead things. Questions are animating. What we want is great questions.
Packy McCormick • Long Questions/Short Answers Long Questions/Short Answers
Actually, fuck answers, the more I think about it. The best questions don’t have answers. The point of the question isn’t to find an answer. The best questions are organizing principles, magnets, ways of seeing.
Packy McCormick • Long Questions/Short Answers Long Questions/Short Answers
Writers know this. Staring at a blank page with no question to answer is felt proof of Sartre’s observation: “Humans are condemned to be free.” (Maybe it had to be a writer who made that observation.) Fire up a blank page with a question in mind, however, and the world becomes grownup Blue’s Clues. You’re reading something or talking to someone and
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