Psychic Development
Max Anton Brewer • The Mirror of Language
Relax the desire to control by serving the expression of the energy itself. Let the energy become your source of guidance, information and direction. Discover how deeply you can surrender to its quality and then, give yourself permission to surrender more. You are…
Antero Alli, Robert Anton Wilson (Introduction) • Angel Tech
The grids of perception that compose your world give you the world picture as you (underlined) experience it because your physical senses put you in a certain position within the entire grid. Animals, for example, while part of your experience, are also “tuned into” that grid at another level.
Jane Roberts • Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Volume One
Pay attention to any sound or tones that may also be here. As you open to sound, it may be that you begin to hear words or phrases or maybe even advice. As you continue to just be present in this moment as if you are just throwing out a net, throw out whatever it is that you would like in your life.
Shelly Dressel • Daily Message, April 06, 2024 - Goddess Light LLC
"The process of Space Forming suggests the possibility for a fun-da-mental transformation in our thinking. Since thoughts are the seeds for action (we do as we think), then it follows that scattered thinking makes for scattered activity…as creative thinking produces creative acting. There is an underlying illusion to thinking in that it appears con
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