product design

by sari and ยท updated 2mo ago

  • Superhuman Part II - Designing Software to Feel like a Game (with Rahul Vohra) | Acquired Podcast

    5 highlights

    nicole added 2y ago

  • 2 // Having good ideas

    Juan Orbea added 2y ago

  • Infinite canvases with Steve Ruiz // Metamuse podcast episode 59

    16 highlights

    Tanuj added 2y ago

  • Jackie Bavaro on getting better at product strategy, what exactly is strategy, PM pitfalls to avoid, advancing your career, getting into management, and much more

    4 highlights

    Tom So added 2y ago

  • Gokul Rajaram on designing your product development process, when and how to hire your first PM, a playbook for hiring leaders, getting ahead in you career, how to get started...

    19 highlights

    Gaye Soykok added 2y ago

  • Ideas related to this collection