Sometimes getting the right positioning for your startup is more challenging than getting to the product itself.
“Often it’s not that you don’t know who the customer is, it’s that you’re not picking — you haven’t committed to one hypothesis over the other. That’s what creates the confusion about what the product is, what the feature set looks like,
... See moreIf you're small, you're in a position where it's to your advantage to be weird—you can have a point of view that the big tech companies never could. In the world of chairs—you're not going to build a cheaper chair than Ikea. Why not build something they couldn't—like a more interesting one
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
“Strategy is accepting that you are doing something better than the other and the other is doing something better than you. You have to pick your fight.”
- Axel Dumas, CEO of Hermes
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