DEVONtechnologies | DEVONthink
devontechnologies.comriow added 1mo
LiquidText - "PDF Editor with Superpowers" FastCompany
liquidtext.netriow added 1mo
ConniePad - Best note app on macOS
conniepad.comriow added 1mo
astranote.airiow added 1mo
Supernotes | The best collaborative note-taking app
supernotes.appriow added 1mo
Ulysses -
ulysses.appriow added 1mo
The relationship between notes is weak, so it's more of a text editor tool than a PKM tool.
Scrintal - Shape your ideas block by block
scrintal.comriow added 1mo
Track and organize anything | Memento Database
mementodatabase.comriow added 1mo