Ownership Economy

Ownership Economy

exploring alternative ownership mechanics

sari and

Owning the Future

Mathew Lawrence • 2 highlights

Cover of Owning the Future

"Let's Run The Experiment": A conversation with Chris Dixon about DAOs and the future of organizations online

Steven Johnsonadjacentpossible.substack.com
Thumbnail of "Let's Run The Experiment": A conversation with Chris Dixon about DAOs and the future of organizations online

Real world problems that web3 could solve--at least for me

Adam Davidsonadamd.mirror.xyz
Thumbnail of Real world problems that web3 could solve--at least for me

Co-ops, DAOs, and the way forward for collectives

Austin Robeysociety.mirror.xyz
Thumbnail of Co-ops, DAOs, and the way forward for collectives

Ownership and the American Dream

Packy McCormicknotboring.co
Thumbnail of Ownership and the American Dream

101 - How To Own The Internet | Li Jin


Trapital: music. media. culture. - Trapital

Thumbnail of Trapital: music. media. culture. - Trapital