Ownership Economy

Ownership Economy

exploring alternative ownership mechanics

sari and

Intro to Web3 for beginners | School of Block


Artist ownership is the way to fix Spotify’s broken streaming model (guest column)

Music Allymusically.com
Thumbnail of Artist ownership is the way to fix Spotify’s broken streaming model (guest column)

sharing upside

sari and • 9 cards

A Media Ownership Model: Why Subscribe When You Can Invest?

Jarrod Dickerdarkstar.mirror.xyz
Thumbnail of A Media Ownership Model: Why Subscribe When You Can Invest?

Esther Eze and

Real world problems that web3 could solve--at least for me

Adam Davidsonadamd.mirror.xyz
Thumbnail of Real world problems that web3 could solve--at least for me

Ownership and the American Dream

Packy McCormicknotboring.co
Thumbnail of Ownership and the American Dream

User Trusts: Broad-Based Ownership for Online Platforms

Nathan Schneidermediarxiv.org
Thumbnail of User Trusts: Broad-Based Ownership for Online Platforms