We're trying to do things the slow way, the way that sucks up time
Naomi Shefali Joshi • The Quality Makers: Richard Christiansen of Flamingo Estate (2024) | The Quality Edit
“the way that sucks up time”
In one of those interviews, this guy David says that the promise of things like technology and AI is to give us more time to do the things that we want to do. But the problem is, it hasn't ended up that way. What that promise has done, is killed is this idea of ceremony that we need so deeply. That's why people go to church, it's why people have fr... See more
Naomi Shefali Joshi • The Quality Makers: Richard Christiansen of Flamingo Estate (2024) | The Quality Edit
In a world where we are drunk on innovation, and we're always chasing the new thing, the fast thing, the algorithm and the AI of it all, we’ve forgotten the most incredible of things – the old things, the timeline of things, and the sacred ways of creating that are not innovative.
Naomi Shefali Joshi • The Quality Makers: Richard Christiansen of Flamingo Estate (2024) | The Quality Edit
From Ezra Klein:
AI might be able to churn out content faster than we can, but we still need a human mind to sift through and figure out what’s good. In other words, A.I. is going to turn more of us into editors. But editing is a peculiar skill. It’s hard to test for, or teach, or even describe. But it’s the crucial step in the creative process that
... See moreTextFX
textfx.withgoogle.comThe ultimate differentiator will be the creator’s perspective, taste, and judgment.
AI Design Studio
In this new world, creation is cheap, craft is automatable, and everyone is a beginner.
AI Design Studio
‘everyone is a beginner’—something interesting about this
My product won’t write sentences for you. The slow process of writing is what clarifies thought, shapes identity, and cultivates a lens to the world. Writing is the whole point; it isn’t a chore to optimize, it’s an infinite game.
Michael Dean • Mega-Update
Making work easier. This is the problem. So obsessed with getting to the answer, completing the project, producing a result which are all valid things, but not where the richness of the human experience lies.
Jerry Seinfeld's Speech At Duke's 2024 Commencement (Transcript)
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