Mundane to Profound
another way of saying "set an intention" is
"create an image for what I could be perceiving, notice how that is different from what I am perceiving, and resolve to act/choose to allow action to make that difference tend towards zero"
Encounters with the sacred that radiate from the core of the ordinary embolden you to cultivate stillness and simple awareness. In the midst of a world that is begging you to distract yourself, this is no easy practice. Yet you keep showing up. You are indomitable. You are thirsty for wonder.
Mirabai Starr • Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics
To encounter the holy in the ordinary is to find God in the liminal—in spaces where we might subconsciously exclude it, including the sensory moments that are often illegibly spiritual.
Cole Arthur Riley • This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories That Make Us
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