sari and
sari and
“We’re pretty good at allowing our incorrect certainties to slowly fade into the background, without a crisis or reckoning. We gradually move on, now even more certain about the other things we’re certain of.
Resilience can be found by holding onto our certainties just a little less tightly. One way to do that is to remember just how often the old ones fade away.”
“Every group of people who think for a living is going to be sad. Ignorance is bliss. So what’s the opposite?” – Chris Rock
working with limits + obstacles and making them a spectacular opportunity
“Everything that you want is on the other side of hard.” ~Chris Paul
take the risk
This is an incredible insight by Jason Fried, on looking back less:
I have a theory.
One of the reasons companies have a hard time moving forward is because they've tangled themselves in the near past. Eyes aimed backwards rather than ahead, staring at the dark, feet in their own concrete.
They've trapped themselves looking for certainty where there i