
Unravel the wonders and navigate the pitfalls of your mind.

by simon · updated 4mo ago

  • from How Emotions Are Made by Maria Popova

    simon added 4mo ago

  • from Rubber Hand Illusions Shed New Light on Our Bodily Sense of Self by Shayla Love

    simon added 4mo ago

  • from The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World by Iain McGilchrist

    simon added 4mo ago

  • from What the Mind Has to Do With the Climate Crisis by Christine Wamsler

    simon added 4mo ago

  • from Repair and Remain by Comment Magazine

    simon added 4mo ago

  • from A 12-Minute Meditation to Widen Your Perspective by Nate Klemp

    simon added 4mo ago

  • Ideas related to this collection