Fallow Periods as Fertile Ground
In farming, land is left fallow to rest and regenerate, ensuring it remains fertile for future harvests. In a culture obsessed with constant productivity, we've forgotten this fundamental truth: creativity and growth require rest. These fallow periods aren't signs of laziness or lack of ambition—they're essential spa... See more
In farming, land is left fallow to rest and regenerate, ensuring it remains fertile for future harvests. In a culture obsessed with constant productivity, we've forgotten this fundamental truth: creativity and growth require rest. These fallow periods aren't signs of laziness or lack of ambition—they're essential spa... See more
Anthea often uses metaphors to develop and convey new conceptualizations. This approach is in keeping with studies about the significant role of metaphorical thinking in creative intellectual processes in science and beyond. In Clash of Paradigms: Actors and Analogies Shaping the Investment Treaty System, for instance, she likened the system to a p... See more
Miranda Forsyth • Creative thinking | Anthea Roberts — Anthea Roberts
Back then, technical prowess meant market dominance. Y Combinator, the spiritual center of Silicon Valley,1 crowned technical founders as the chosen ones. Those who could manifest and master software were seen as gods. Venture capitalists funded those who could scale that code to massive heights. After all, software alone could transform giant, leg... See more
There are very few Level 5 investors, but Warren Buffet is certainly among them. Buffett has steadily increased his public presence over the last several decades and he was even more present in the media than usual during the 2008 financial crisis. He regularly went on CNBC and Charlie Rose to try to calm market participants and encourage Congress ... See more
In investing, higher volatility usually equates to higher possible returns. In today’s world of online expression, we settle for lower expected value, market-level outcomes so as to not ruffle any feathers and not take any outsized risk. We’re basically hoping to allow people to know us enough so that they include us in their passive index of human... See more
Being Known is Being Loved
Google and Facebook play the roles of central bankers for our attention economy. They represented a generation of “free-to-play” games that unlocked infinite consumer surplus and participation, and with increasing power as the brokers of the value exchange, they now require “paying to win”.
[FKPXLS] The Illusions of Free-to-Play
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