

The psychological process of transitioning across boundaries and borders; the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage

Stuart Evans and

Marc Chernoff 19 Great Truths My Grandmother Told Me on Her 90th Birthday

Duke Stump | The Beauty Of Not Knowing


Lisa Olivera Ten things, part five

Jeremy Johnson "Three Theses on Liminality"

Jeremy Johnson "Three Theses on Liminality"

Jeremy Johnson "Three Theses on Liminality"

The Poetic Art of Living in a Time Between Worlds - Emerge
Thumbnail of The Poetic Art of Living in a Time Between Worlds - Emerge

Mike Kauschke The Poetic Art of Living in a Time Between Worlds - Emerge

Emerge Belonging and Butterflies in Times of Breakdown