let go of the past
Imported tag from Readwise
let go of the past
Imported tag from Readwise
I am not alone, and I would not intrude the past upon my Guest.
I have invited Him, and He is here.
I need do nothing except not to interfere.
Do not use empathy to make the past real, and so perpetuate it.
To be born again is to let the past go, and look without condemnation upon the present.
try to perceive the present moment in its raw, unfiltered state.
This is the realm of the steady-state, where potential exists in its pure, uncollapsed form.
We mistakenly assume that the present is merely a continuation of the past, a predictable outcome of previous actions.
But what if we’re looking in the wrong direction? What if the true nature of reality lies not in the quantized past, but in the ever-present, unquantifiable now?
“Any man can fight the battles of just one day,” begins a passage collected in Richmond Walker’s book of meditations for recovering alcoholics, Twenty-Four Hours a Day . “It is only when you and I add the burden of those two awful eternities, yesterday and tomorrow, that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives men mad. It is re
... See moreif you place your faith in the past, the future will be like it.
The guilty always condemn, and having done so they will still condemn, linking the future to the past as is the ego's law.
When you condemn a brother you are saying, "I who was guilty choose to remain so." 5 You have denied his freedom, and by so doing you have denied the witness unto yours. 6 You could as easily have freed him from the past, and lifted from his mind the cloud of guilt that binds him to it. 7 And in his freedom would have been your own.
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