is therapy good? or is it god?
Amid the stone sculptures of Hindu demons, mythological temple guardians and Buddhist divinities, Cambodian officials this month recognized the success of lengthy years of repatriation efforts with a ceremony at the prime minister’s office in Phnom Penh. In a room filled with artifacts, officials formally welcomed the return of statues and other ob... See more
Tom Mashberg • After Years of Searching, Cambodia Celebrates the Return of Its ‘Gods’
But we should also remember that so much of what we call ‘madness’ or ‘mental illness’ is actually just behaviour that does not lend itself well to the capitalist economic system. Politicising mental health means questioning why we call certain things madness or mental illness, and allowing people to make their own minds up about their experiences ... See more
Dazed • This New Book Asks Whether Capitalism Really Is Driving Us All Crazy
If there is a fundamental challenge within these stories, it is simply to change our lurking suspicion that some lives matter less than other lives. William Blake wrote, “We are put on earth for a little space that we might learn to bear the beams of love.” Turns out this is what we all have in common, gang member and nongang member alike: we’re ju
... See moreGregory Boyle • Tattoos on the Heart_ the Power of Boundless Compassion
On a more personal level, this creeping reactionary tendency against psychological intervention is starting to get to me. Good therapy and SSRIs have saved my life on two occasions now, and I am unable to function without them due to the severe bouts of OCD which arise when I am unmedicated. Of course, it’s none of my business if this is the specif... See more
how did you realise you were a bad person?

Has Therapy Become the New Religion? - Therapy Reimagined
controversial take: I think therapy is culturally almost becoming a ...
“Some seek the comfort of their therapist’s office, other head to the corner pub and dive into a pint, but I chose running as my therapy.”
Dean Karnazes
Steve Mueller • 60 Inspiring and Motivating Running Quotes | Planet of Success
Religion is the best illustration of the elephant in the brain. We do not worship because we believe. We worship because it helps us as social creatures.