Bucket of delights.
Part of: 20211230-203350
Bucket of delights.
Part of: 20211230-203350
Standing with their backs to the mountain, they became the mountain.
Start each day with sunlight, gratitude, and focus; surround yourself with positivity, rest well, write, meditate, and seek mentorship.
Maybe you need a bigger enemy than just another brand. It can be bad design.
Pont de Langlois, Vincent van Gogh, 1888
You can discover more in the first day somewhere new than in a week at home.
Sheila Fell R.A. (1931-1979)
Cottages Near Wastwater II
oil on board
50 x 60 cm. (19 3/4 x 23 5/8 in.)
There’s a lot of pressure to conform, I like it when people don’t. I like oddballs (I may even be one myself). I admire individuals who do their own thing and have a unique view of the world. The interesting stuff is always on the fringes of society, never the mainstream.
“Fragmented bronze portrait of Marcus Aurelius embodies his Stoic philosophy: Even the once commanding visage of the Roman emperor is not impervious to Time. Echoing his Meditations, that all life is fleeting & you'll be fortunate if your deeds survive in the memory of the living.”