Human Interactions/Relationships & Connections
MargaretC and
Human Interactions/Relationships & Connections
MargaretC and
Over the course of 14 hours, we rolled up our sleeves and got our hands dirty generating creative ideas to address disconnection, loneliness, polarization, and other deep-rooted societal challenges.
Disconnection is the disease. Creativity is the cure. The creativity revolution has begun.
Being too busy to give any real time to a relationship is like not watering a potato crop, I say to him, using his own language. If I explain how I feel in my own, the wires in his brain twist and knot and he just has to dash out for air.
Prashanth Narayan and • 37 cards
Jay is the ideal trekking partner. Not only does he have all the requisite backcountry skills; he also has a good attitude—that essential attribute for this kind of endeavor. He keeps his sense of humor even when he is hurting, and he carries his weight, literally and figuratively. He is there when you need him, but he never steps into your solitud
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