How to Survive AI
McLuhan argued that, pushed to its limits, a medium flips or reverses its characteristics.
Internet scale pushes information into disinformation, connection into loneliness, and desire into apathy.
The message of the medium we call AI is the obfuscation of responsibility and relationship.
The language of "tasks" enables white-collar Taylorism. We should push back.
When AI people talk about labour, they tend to frame jobs as sets of tasks, rather than sets of responsibilities.
Capture inspiring information.
Our digital environments need to be inspiring as we spend the majority of our days in it.
Your second brain is one of the few spaces (digital or physical) that you truly control. So why not make it to your liking?
We have a chance to do work we’re proud of, and to do it for people who care. And maybe we can do it in a way that will lead them to tell the others. Traffic from an algorithm isn’t the point, it’s a random bonus.
No sense being a puppet, especially if you can’t be sure who is pulling the strings or why.
Seth Godin • You Can’t Beat the Algorithm
In the Prologue to The Human Condition, with the promise that automation would empty the factories, Hannah Arendt worried that “it is a society of laborers which is about to be liberated from the fetters of labor, and this society does no longer know of those other higher and more meaninfgul activities for the sake of which this freedom would deser
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