Declare war on the negative bias: Focus on the things that go right instead of the things that go wrong — did the checkout line at the grocery store go quick? Did you avoid red lights on your way to work? If all you did was look for things to appreciate, you would live a spectacular life.
Everything is connected - “It takes thousands of people to ma... See more
Sometimes the key to happiness isn’t finding the next upgrade, but appreciating what’s already in front of you. We’re prone to undervaluing what we have and overvaluing what we don’t have yet covet. Sometimes the grass is greener where you water it.
A few lines from my eclipse diary entry, if anyone wants to say them out loud with me:
I lovingly and peacefully call all of my energy back to me now. Thank you. I am so grateful to be protected, guided, and loved in all moments. Isn’t it wonderful how everything works out for… Show more