Future of User Interfaces

Future of User Interfaces

sari and

How we create | linus.coffee

Linus Leelinus.coffee

Everything Easy is Hard Again

Frank Chimerofrankchimero.com
Thumbnail of Everything Easy is Hard Again

The sad state of personal data and infrastructure | beepb00p

Karli Cossbeepb00p.xyz
Thumbnail of The sad state of personal data and infrastructure | beepb00p

The desktop metaphor must die

Jason Yuanuxdesign.cc
Thumbnail of The desktop metaphor must die

Michael Dempsey AI Agents, Product Velocity, & User Interfaces


Thumbnail of MercuryOS

Natural language is the lazy user interface

Austin Z. Henleyaustinhenley.com
Thumbnail of Natural language is the lazy user interface

How news push notification strategies have matured in 2020 - Twipe

Mary-Katharine Phillipstwipemobile.com
Thumbnail of How news push notification strategies have matured in 2020 - Twipe


Thumbnail of Softspace

Tanuj and