Frontend Engineering
TensorFlow.js | Machine Learning for JavaScript Developers
tensorflow.orgMi TOP bibliotecas para React 2024
Router → Wouter
Gráficas → Recharts
Drag'n'Drop → DnDKit
Estilos → TailwindCSS
Notifications → Sonner
Autenticación → Auth.js
Estado global → Zustand
Componentes UI → Shadcn UI
Animaciones → Framer Motion
Formularios → React Hook Form
Data Fetching → Tanstack Query
Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications
martinfowler.comFull stack open
fullstackopen.comIn search of the perfect URL validation regex
mathiasbynens.beKnock | Notifications infrastructure for developers
knock.appLearn from Will Sentance's Courses on Frontend Masters
frontendmasters.comThe best javascript teacher I've known