@stephsmithio A few that I like:
What’s something people wouldn’t know about you by looking at you?
What’s one proud moment from your life?
What’s bringing you joy recently?
What’s a product you bought recently that you absolutely love?
What book have you read the most times?
Wrote up some thoughts on structures and tactics for gathering people together in low-stress, high-payoff ways.
Learned some of these lessons the hard way.
Picked up others by being part of beautifully designed events with thoughtful hosts.
https://maggieappleton.com/gathering-structures... See more
In good hands
There is a feeling I search for: being in good hands. It is the feeling I look to give and the feeling I look to receive.
I know I am in good hands when I sense a cohesive point of view expressed with attention to detail.
I can feel it almost instantly. In any… Show more