Exit To Community

Exit To Community

An alternative exit strategy to acquisitions or going public: transitioning ownership to the community of stakeholders that rely on a product or service, which can include users and workers.

Austin Robey

Artist ownership is the way to fix Spotify’s broken streaming model (guest column)

Music Allymusically.com
Thumbnail of Artist ownership is the way to fix Spotify’s broken streaming model (guest column)

A Guide For Designing Online Community Governance

Austin Robeyaustin.mirror.xyz
Thumbnail of A Guide For Designing Online Community Governance

Me, we, us: Protein’s evolution towards community ownership

Public Recordmetalabel.xyz
Thumbnail of Me, we, us: Protein’s evolution towards community ownership

Exit To Community: Strategies for Multi-Stakeholder Ownership in the Platform Economy

Nathan Schneidergeorgetownlawtechreview.org
Thumbnail of Exit To Community: Strategies for Multi-Stakeholder Ownership in the Platform Economy

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