Andy Bromberg: The wisdom of crowds is giving way to the “wisdom of communities.” In a world of ever-greater complexity, no one person can possibly make sense of all the signals and all the noise — from a single, static vantage point. A networked group is required to adapt to this new world... People are no longer being polled in isolation but rath... See more
There’s one other thing related to the questions of civic life and democracy that we have been talking about. If democracy is this challenge of people coming together to figure out the kind of shared lives they want to forge, then the behaviors that they use to negotiate difference are going to flow from the commitments they have to each other. So ... See more
In the design industry, I genuinely believe we need more communities, not tools. There are so many tools for designers but so few communities. Tools make our job easier. Communities make us better designers. And with the recent AI drama over Figma’s Config, this realization only becomes clearer.
InVision has fostered a strong community, not just aro... See more
Imagine how much relationships would change if people went into one thinking “how can I make this person’s life better” instead of “how can this person make my life better”
A5) In the future gamers creating virtual assets for their gaming characters and trading those assets with other gamers will be possible. An entire crypto-enabled community will be able to flourish around blockchain-enabled gaming. #mediachat