
Musings on committing and continually showing up to a place, a profession, or a person in an age of endless opportunities + persevering - even and especially when it's hard.

by sari and · updated 1mo ago

  • alex added 1mo ago

  • from Pain & Surprise

    sari added 2mo ago

  • from what's a good commitment? by Nix 🕊

    sari added 2mo ago

  • Human Interactions/Relationships & Connections

    10 cards · by MargaretC and

    MargaretC added 2mo ago

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    alex added 2mo ago

  • sometimes people ask something like “do you think this could work?” and I sorta waffle around on it but I realize my truer answer is something like: it’ll probably work IF *you* believe it will work and *you* commit to making it work for 7+ years

    by Visakan Veerasamy

    Alara added 4mo ago

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    lili added 4mo ago

  • from Taste, conviction, Elon Musk by sari azout

    sari added 5mo ago

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    andrea added 5mo ago

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    lili added 5mo ago