What if scholars & fans aided by computational algorithms, could knit together the books of the world into a single networked literature? If a reader could generate a social graph of an idea, or timeline of a concept, or a networked map of influence for anything in the library.
I am going to make the argument that the predominant form of the social web — that amalgam of blogging, Twitter, Facebook, forums, Reddit, Instagram — is an impoverished model for learning and research and that our survival as a species depends on us getting past the sweet, salty fat of “the web as conversation” and on to something more timeless, i... See more
endemic egregores, manufactured idols, and primordial forces
Prediction: in 20 years it’ll be considered silly & selfish to have conversations focused on(non-private)information exchange that aren’t recorded
Why not contribute to the continuously evolving collective body of knowledge?
We’ll build positive sum structures incentivizing it
think we'll see both extremes - a lot of stuff made private, and a lot of stuff made public. interesting to note that this tweet was from 2020, before the big rise in LLMs. a normal response to from media cos and others to foundational models crawling the web is to make more things private.