Clever words, objects and things.
Clever words, objects and things.
We know it seems weird, but as it turns out, your anal print is unique. - Sanjiv Gambhir, ‘Smart toilet’ monitors for signs of disease
I saw a Linus LTT video about how normies won't use mastodon and thought, that's fine. Most of the places I grew up on using the web weren't used by normies either, and they were great.
This truck was on the train track at my local Amtrak station today. It has rail wheels in place of its truck wheels. Even the back three sets that look like regular wheels are truck wheels surrounding rail wheels so it can drive on or off track as needed.
From Linear’s ReadMe manifesto.
If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first. – Mark Twain, supposedly.
A shame closet is that spot in your home where you cram the stuff that has nowhere else to go. It doesn’t have to be a closet. It can be a garage or a room or a chest of drawers or all of them at once. Whatever the space, it is defined by the absence of choices about what goes into it. There are things you need in there. There are things you will n
... See moreBe dangerous, its careful out there
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