“We consume, as we produce, without any concrete relatedness to the objects with which we deal; We live in a world of things, and our only connection with them is that we know how to manipulate or to consume them.”
— Erich Fromm , “The Sane Society”
Philosophors • The Wisdom Letter #054
Since the 1970s, productivity has grown at 3.5 times the rate of pay for American workers. Precarious employment has risen by 9 per cent since the late 1980s, and we have seen extraordinarily high levels of burnout in the workforce. In short, we are underpaid, insecure, and burned out. And yet the achievement society – with its injunction to be mor
... See moreAlec Stubbs • The Achievement Society Is Burning Us Out, We Need More Play
Love, in this social philosophy, is something far, far beyond what “economic forces” limit us to. It is the great liberating force of the human spirit, which leads to concrete social progress. Under capitalism, I can see you as a producer, or a consumer — or even a slave or a servant — but never really as a human being. I am always just looking for
... See moreUmair Haque • Racism Made America a Failed State, Just Like Its Greatest Mind Predicted
Schlick also understood that his call to playfulness was not a self-help psychological switch that can be turned on and off. It also requires structural change to do away with work that is ‘mechanical, brutalising, degrading’ or work that serves to ‘produce only trash and empty luxury’. This means that capitalism, which subjects workers to severe p
... See moreAlec Stubbs • The Achievement Society Is Burning Us Out, We Need More Play
In a recent newsletter, “The Shopping Cure,” Anne Helen Petersen explored the compulsion to buy and accumulate stuff that’s been fostered by technologies of frictionless consumption. Every conceivable activity or hobby one sets out to enjoy becomes an occasion to buy stuff: “They transform from sites of actual pleasure and diversion to means of sel
... See • Ill With Want
Auch Werte dienen heute als Gegenstand individuellen Konsums. Sie werden selbst zu Waren. Werte wie Gerechtigkeit, Menschlichkeit oder Nachhaltigkeit werden ökonomisch ausgeschlachtet. »Tee trinkend die Welt verändern«, so lautet der Slogan eines Fairtrade-Unternehmens. Weltveränderung durch Konsum, das wäre das Ende der Revolution. Vegan sollten a
... See moreByung-Chul Han • Vom Verschwinden Der Rituale
Thus, the ads mostly affected the people who were in a “deciding” mindset when those ads ran.
Richard H. Thaler • Nudge: The Final Edition
So floriert oberhalb einer relativ niedrigen Einkommensschicht fast überall da, wo beschleunigter Konsum zur Normalität geworden ist, eine nichtssagende Nettigkeit – und zwar nicht nur in bestimmten sozialen Schichten, Berufs- oder Altersgruppen. Paul Valéry glaubte schon in den zwanziger Jahren vorauszusehen, dass die technokratische Zivilisation
... See moreJonathan Crary und Thomas Laugstien • 24/7
Taylors moralische Rechtfertigung der Authentizität blendet jenen subtilen Prozess im neoliberalen Regime aus, der die Idee der Freiheit und Selbstverwirklichung konterkariert und zu einem Vehikel effizienter Ausbeutung verkehrt. Das neoliberale Regime beutet die Moral aus. Die Herrschaft vollendet sich in dem Moment, in dem sie sich als Freiheit a
... See moreByung-Chul Han • Vom Verschwinden Der Rituale
In the achievement society, we suffer from an internalised pressure to achieve – to do more, to be more, to have more. Whether we are aware of it or not, we have internalised the capitalist work ethic to the degree that our successes and failures weigh heavily on our individual shoulders. The primary result of the achievement society is burnout – t
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