Instead of asking "what tasks can we automate?" leaders should ask "what new capabilities can we unlock?"
One of the hardest and loneliest battles you’ll have to fight as you work to build the life you want is maintaining unwavering self belief that you will make it despite having *nothing* to show for it over a 2-3 year period before you see “overnight” success. You’ll feel like an imposter telling others what you’re building and who you believe you’l... See more
“Strategy is accepting that you are doing something better than the other and the other is doing something better than you. You have to pick your fight.”
- Axel Dumas, CEO of Hermes

At Amazon, Jeff Bezos told us to "not compromise for the sake of social cohesion." I saw him tolerate lengthy, exhausting arguments as a result.
When I was a director, my VP constantly argued with Jeff and refused to back down.
What would’ve happened if you hadn’t given the brief to a load of engineering firms who immediately focused on speed, time, distance, capacity? What if you’d given the brief to Disney instead?
“the job of a leader is to absorb complexity and pass down clarity
“ One of the biggest inflection points in growth for Airtable was adding templates. It kicked off the SEO flywheel and ended up accounting for as much as a third of total site traffic at its peak. One of the most interesting elements of this was that templates were seeded with a lot of the content made by creators in the community. This is generall... See more
Lenny Rachitsky • How Startups Like Figma, Facebook, and Airbnb Found Sudden Growth Inflections
“What do we need right now to move the needle tomorrow ?” The lofty vision was overtaking what we needed in the present.