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Company Culture
sari and • 108 cards
Culture is the non-fiction story of an organization. It writes itself.
Jason Fried ( • Company Culture Is the Last 50 Days
I really like the approach of Netflix of 10 years ago when it was still small. They hired mature people so they could get rid of processes. Indeed, they actually tried to de-process everything. As a result, things just happened. Non-event was often mentioned and expected in Netflix at that time. Case in point, active-active regions just happened in... See more
Our culture is four things: customer obsession instead of competitor obsession; willingness to think long term, with a longer investment horizon than most of our peers; eagerness to invent, which of course goes hand in hand with failure; and then, finally, taking professional pride in operational excellence.
Colin Bryar • Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon
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