sari and
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1 – Show up. Many work sessions will feel unproductive which can feel frustrating, but the best creatives sit down to work even when they don't feel like it. Consistency rewards creativity.
2 – Generate a ton of ideas. Your best ideas rarely come early. So when you think you've got it, keep going.
3 – Refine the good ones. If you find
... See moreThe ability to speak continuously with confidence is a talent of sorts. But, over the course of my working life, I found that the colleagues who had the most impact on meetings, and whose careers advanced with the greatest velocity, were those who restricted themselves to fewer and better statements; more concise and memorable observations; more th
... See moreBrevity doesn't always mean short. It just means to the point. There are 1-page documents that ramble and 900-page books that are brief.
cut your words in half
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