
the breadth of things you are able to notice in any given moment - Michael Ashcroft

by Stuart Evans and · updated 5mo ago

  • Just looking

    by Seth Godin

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of Just looking

    Supritha S added 10mo ago

  • Widespread resistance

    Thumbnail of Widespread resistance

    Supritha S added 10mo ago

  • The Le Guin precepts

    Thumbnail of The Le Guin precepts

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  • Choosing Peace - The Mental Toughness Coach - Chris Dorris

    Thumbnail of Choosing Peace - The Mental Toughness Coach - Chris Dorris

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  • “Focusing” for skeptics

    by Medium

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of “Focusing” for skeptics

    Stuart Evans added 2y ago

  • The Art and Science of Interoception

    by Jonny Miller

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    Thumbnail of The Art and Science of Interoception

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  • How to Make Unfixated Choices

    by Michael Ashcroft

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of How to Make Unfixated Choices

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