Anxiety Coffee Procrastination Break
“We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.”
—Virginia Satir
More and more, I think my issues with conventional productivity advice – indeed, with the very notion of productivity – boil down to this: Spending your days trying to get through a list of things you feel you have to do is a fundamentally joyless and soul-destroying way to live; and most productivity problems, like distraction or procrastination o... See more
I am seized by two contradictory feelings: there is so much beauty in the world it is incredible that we are ever miserable for a moment; there is so much shit in the world that it is incredible we are ever happy for a moment.
Paul Schmitt • Zadie Smith - Feel Free.pdf
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” — Mahatma Gandhi
For example, if you’re aware that fear is prominent in you right now, you can remind yourself that the future is likely going to be easier than it currently seems, regardless of how strongly you might feel your impending doom. If you’re aware that anger is prominent, you can remind yourself that when you feel this way you tend to be highly critical... See more
David Cain • A Basic Skill We Should Have Learned as Kids
Pixar co-founder Ed Catmull on shifting employee focus from fear to creativity:
19 rules that changed my life:
7. Action precedes motivation
8. If you fear it, do it
9. 1 in 2 rule for easy habits
10. The Irritable Checklist
11. Change it or accept it. Don’t think about it.
12. The 40% rule
13. Someone would do anything for your problems
We’re all scared, aren’t we? Scared of the unknown, of how we’re perceived, of the climate crisis, of raising children, of being judged for not wanting children, of putting ourselves out there, of failure, of death, of being totally honest, of trying new things, I could go on. I wonder what would happen if we were all allowed to just name how scare... See more
Lisa Olivera • Ten things, part five
3) The Have-To-Dos may happen, but not the Want-To-Dos. Even if the procrastinator is in the type of career where the Panic Monster is regularly present and he’s able to be fulfilled at work, the other things in life that are important to him—getting in shape, cooking elaborate meals, learning to play the guitar, writing a book, reading, or even ma... See more