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Zero to One
Businesses with complex sales models succeed if they achieve 50% to 100% year-over-year growth over the course of a decade.
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters • Zero to One
Creating value is not enough—you also need to capture some of the value you create.
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters • Zero to One
The way to do that is to dominate a small niche
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters • Zero to One
investors who understand the power law make as few investments as possible.
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters • Zero to One
Marketing and Advertising
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters • Zero to One
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters • Zero to One
Progress isn’t held back by some difference between corporate greed and nonprofit goodness; instead, we’re held back by the sameness of both. Just as corporations tend to copy each other, nonprofits all tend to push the same priorities.
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters • Zero to One
Part-time employees don’t work.
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters • Zero to One
If you focus on near-term growth above all else, you miss the most important question you should be asking: will this business still be around a decade from now? Numbers alone won’t tell you the answer; instead you must think critically about the qualitative characteristics of your business.
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters • Zero to One
Indefinite Politics