Saved by Ilana Ettinger and
Your Startup Is a Movement
How to do it: 1. Define a larger cause. 2. Articulate the problem better than anyone else. 3. Attack the status quo. 4. Define a category. 5. Build the right team. 6. Use “grassroots” customer testimony. 7. Release news in lightning strikes, not dribs and drabs. 8. Organize events to focus attention.9. Nurture your community... See more • Your Startup Is a Movement
Peter Thiel has said that the best startups are like a cult that believes in something true. • Your Startup Is a Movement
Earned marketing is about brand, messaging, press, influencers, content — all the things that define who you are. • Your Startup Is a Movement
If you want to understand how Tesla can become the most valuable car company in the world without needing to spend a dime on advertising, while its competitors futilely buy Superbowl ads, or why 170,000 people pilgrimage annually to Dreamforce for the opportunity to be sold Salesforce products, the answer is that the founders of these companies hav
... See • Your Startup Is a Movement
Fascinating to see how brands have carved out this earned marketing space.