Yanas are not Buddhist sects | Vividness
Yana shock | Vividness
Phil Nguyen and added
Unlike Hinayana Buddhists, who see nirvana as the final goal of practice, Mahayana Buddhists see it as a higher form of delusion still involving the dualities of subject and object, existence and nonexistence.
Red Pine • The Lankavatara Sutra: Translation and Commentary (NONE)
very goal of yoga and of human existence in the Yoga school is the very cause of bondage and ignorance in Buddhism.
Edwin F. Bryant • The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali: A New Edition, Translation, and Commentary
Truth and methods | Vividness
Phil Nguyen added
The futile quest for certainty | Vividness
Phil Nguyen added
Mahayana ideal with its emphasis on compassion and wisdom as opposed to the Hinayana ideal of the arhan with its emphasis on morality and meditation.
Red Pine • The Diamond Sutra: The Perfection of Wisdom
the Yoga school, while using the terminology of (especially) buddhi, but also ahaṅkāra and manas, differs somewhat from that of Sāṅkhya in conceiving these three as interacting functions of the one citta, mind, rather than as three distinct metaphysical layers.
Edwin F. Bryant • The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali: A New Edition, Translation, and Commentary
the goal of yoga is not to join, but the opposite: to unjoin, that is, to disconnect puruṣa from prakṛti.12 If the term is to mean “yoke,” it entails yoking the mind on an object of concentration without deviation.