@DylanoA4 https://t.co/gyHVArPr1h
Be a spirit, rather than a dumpy, heavy, physical ego. Take life in a light-hearted way—
Stuart Wilde • Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power
Seriousness saddles the work with a burden. It misses the playful side of being human. The chaotic exuberance of being present in the world. The lightness of pure enjoyment for enjoyment’s sake. In play, there are no stakes. No boundaries. No right or wrong. No quotas for productivity. It’s an uninhibited state where your spirit can run free.
Rick Rubin • The Creative Act: A Way of Being

Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you're feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.
3-2-1: On living with lightness, the root cause of sin, and how to compete without losing yourself
RILKE WROTE: “So you must not be frightened…if a sadness rises up before you larger than any you have ever seen; if a restiveness like light and cloud shadows passes over your hands and over all you do. You must think…that life has not forgotten you.”