with book writing, I try to make sure I have a strong point of view on everything I'm doing. It's the work I care about most and least willing to compromise. Some principles I embrace. 1. The aim of my writing is never to make money. If there are opportunities, I will pay attention, but it is never the direct aim. I obsessively focus on other funding mechanisms such that I don't have to worry much about how to monetize writing. 2. I write for readers like me. I dislike a lot of the current trends in books. I think they dumb down the books too much: - Intros that tell you what to "expect" and how to use the book as a sort of playbook - Summaries after each chapter that tell you what to think Generally, I want to write for people that want to think on their own. I assume my reader is smart. I assume they will: - google stuff they don't understand - enjoy subtle easter eggs for interesting thinkers - like something that is a little wabi-sabi 3. I want to let the completely raw and honest version of what I actually think and do in my life in my work. If no one disagreed or critiqued my message it would be a tragedy. Because I'd be trying to fit in, not releasing myself to the work itself. I know who I'm not writing for and I playfully ignore their critiques and never address them directly. I only talk to the people I want to reach (basically former self) 4. I don't like all-in launches. They are too risky for me. Risky because I get my fuel from writing, creating and reading. They work and I'm probably going to give up upside and fast starts in my books, BUT... 5. I write the book aiming at something I think will be useful in ten years too. I like writing mostly to my past self, so by doing this I can think about writing something that perhaps has a 20-year timescale. 6. Choose things that delight me. Covers, names, subtitles. I might test them but I ONLY put weight on actual existing readers or reactions from people I know in person. I don't trust the "crowd" - I don't want to write for the crowd. There are institutions dedicated to serving them.

with book writing, I try to make sure I have a strong point of view on everything I'm doing. It's the work I care about most and least willing to compromise. Some principles I embrace. 1. The aim of my writing is never to make money. If there are opportunities, I will pay attention, but it is never the direct aim. I obsessively focus on other funding mechanisms such that I don't have to worry much about how to monetize writing. 2. I write for readers like me. I dislike a lot of the current trends in books. I think they dumb down the books too much: - Intros that tell you what to "expect" and how to use the book as a sort of playbook - Summaries after each chapter that tell you what to think Generally, I want to write for people that want to think on their own. I assume my reader is smart. I assume they will: - google stuff they don't understand - enjoy subtle easter eggs for interesting thinkers - like something that is a little wabi-sabi 3. I want to let the completely raw and honest version of what I actually think and do in my life in my work. If no one disagreed or critiqued my message it would be a tragedy. Because I'd be trying to fit in, not releasing myself to the work itself. I know who I'm not writing for and I playfully ignore their critiques and never address them directly. I only talk to the people I want to reach (basically former self) 4. I don't like all-in launches. They are too risky for me. Risky because I get my fuel from writing, creating and reading. They work and I'm probably going to give up upside and fast starts in my books, BUT... 5. I write the book aiming at something I think will be useful in ten years too. I like writing mostly to my past self, so by doing this I can think about writing something that perhaps has a 20-year timescale. 6. Choose things that delight me. Covers, names, subtitles. I might test them but I ONLY put weight on actual existing readers or reactions from people I know in person. I don't trust the "crowd" - I don't want to write for the crowd. There are institutions dedicated to serving them.

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