rituals are to time what home is to space: they render time habitable - byung-chul han
Noema • All That Is Solid Melts Into Information
Noema • All That Is Solid Melts Into Information
Noema • All That Is Solid Melts Into Information
Noema • All That Is Solid Melts Into Information
We can define rituals as symbolic techniques of making oneself at home in the world. They transform being-in-the-world into a being-at-home. They turn the world into a reliable place. They are to time what a home is to space: they render time habitable. They even make it accessible, like a house. They structure time, furnish it. In his novel Citade
... See moreByung-Chul Han • The Disappearance of Rituals: A Topology of the Present
To paraphrase Antoine Saint-Exupéry, we may say: rituals are in life what things are in space.
Byung-Chul Han • The Disappearance of Rituals: A Topology of the Present
Rituale lassen sich als symbolische Techniken der Einhausung definieren. Sie verwandeln das In-der-Welt-Sein in ein Zu-Hause-Sein. Sie machen aus der Welt einen verlässlichen Ort. Sie sind in der Zeit das, was im Raum eine Wohnung ist. Sie machen die Zeit bewohnbar. Ja, sie machen sie begehbar wie ein Haus. Sie ordnen die Zeit, richten sie ein. In
... See moreByung-Chul Han • Vom Verschwinden Der Rituale
We can define rituals as symbolic techniques of making oneself at home in the world. They transform being-in-the-world into a being-at-home.