“Any damn fool can put on a deal,
but it takes genius, faith, and perseverance
to create a brand.”
- David Ogilvy
“Any damn fool can put on a deal, but it takes genius, faith, and perseverance to create a brand.” - David Ogilvy
“Any damn fool can put on a deal, but it takes genius, faith and perseverance to create a brand.” - David Oglivy
Noam Kostucki • You are Your Brand!: Everything you know about branding but never thought applied to you
“Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” - Steve Jobs
Only dead fish go with the flow.
-David Ogilvy
Surprising fact: To create something truly great you have to repeat a small number of powerful words over and over again
“It’s about the offer stupid.” - Marketing legend Dan Kennedy
Frankie Fihn • Beyond the Agency Box
David Ogilvy said, “The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife.”
Chris Goward • You Should Test That: Conversion Optimization for More Leads, Sales and Profit or The Art and Science of Optimized Marketing
Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself Any fool can write a bad advertisement, but it takes a genius to keep his hands off a good one.
David Ogilvy • Ogilvy on Advertising
‘There is an inherent drama in every product. Our No. 1 job is to dig for it and capitalize on it.’