Perfectionism is easy to see on someone. Physically it is a rigidity in the musculature and there can be stunted tones in the voice. Mentally they are often second-guessing themselves, hesitant, and overly precise.

Perfectionism is easy to see on someone. Physically it is a rigidity in the musculature and there can be stunted tones in the voice. Mentally they are often second-guessing themselves, hesitant, and overly precise.

Dr. Linda Silverman Perfectionism: the Crucible of Giftedness

Brené Brown Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.

Dr. Linda Silverman Perfectionism: the Crucible of Giftedness

Ellen Hendriksen “If I Let Go of Perfectionism I Won’t Be as Good as I Am Now.”

Eva Pierrakos The Undefended Self: Living the Pathwork

Steven Kessler The 5 Personality Patterns: Your Guide to Understanding Yourself and Others and Developing Emotional Maturity

Brené Brown The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are