Robert Anton Wilson, perfection
As you expand your heart and go past your resistance to letting go, you comprehend yourself as an omnipresent, eternal being—one that dwells in a multidimensional state, timeless and immortal.
Stuart Wilde • Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Power
The expanding universe is overflowing with abundance. It is so full that improvement can often be gained only by subtracting. Keep removing, until you can’t. End with wanting more, not less.
Kevin Kelly • Excellent Advice for Living: Wisdom I Wish I'd Known Earlier

The universe is only as large as our perception of it. When we cultivate our awareness, we are expanding the universe.
This expands the scope, not just of the material at our disposal to create from, but of the life we get to live.
Rick Rubin • The Creative Act
The universe is only as large as our perception of it. When we cultivate our awareness, we are expanding the universe. This expands the scope, not just of the material at our disposal to create from, but of the life we get to live.