Thumbnail of How dysfunctional tech is creating dysfunctional people (my latest).
How dysfunctional tech is creating dysfunctional people (my latest).

updated 20d ago

  • How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind—from a Former Insider

    by Tristan Harris

    11 highlights

    Thumbnail of How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind—from a Former Insider

    sari and added

  • from Rough Notes: Memory, Identity, and Transformation by Reggie James

    ("JP") added

  • from You Are You. We Live Here. This is Now. by Freddie deBoer

    sari added

  • from Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff

    sari added

  • from The Answer Is Not More Information by

    Alex Wittenberg added

  • Sriya Sridhar added

  • Erikc Perez-Perez added

  • from The Bigger Picture by Alexander Beiner

    dane cads added