What would your life look like if you actually had no agency around each problem you are currently facing. Describe the details of a zero agency life.
What would your life look like if you actually had no agency around each problem you are currently facing. Describe the details of a zero agency life.
Many of our perceived challenges stem from a sense of low agency - the feeling that we lack control over our lives and decisions.
This perception leads to passivity, where we wait for external forces to dictate our direction, causing feelings of helplessness and… Show more
I was realizing how many personal and interpersonal issues ultimately traced back to feeling like one has little to no agency. Everything from confidence to motivation can be traced back to agency, at least to some extent.
sundus • agency: it's only human
Agency can be formally defined as the subjective feeling of having control over one’s actions and their consequences…Put differently, you don’t feel as though life is just happening to you, with your only choice being to sit back and accept it all. Instead, you feel as though you are an active participant in your life; you are making things happen.