Saved by Keely Adler
Witch Envy
The Witch is not all hubble hubble toil and trouble. Sometimes what’s in play is a subtle shift in perception, a newfound openness to experience, and enchantment in the more-than-human world
Jonathan Rowson • Witch Envy
“I believe that the West's restless inner development and incessantly innovative masculine ordering of reality has been gradually leading, in an immensely long dialectical movement, toward a reconciliation with the lost feminine ... See more
Jonathan Rowson • Witch Envy
Might it be that the kinds of knowledge we most need today are the kinds of knowledge that arise from women getting together in person, away from the male gaze?
Jonathan Rowson • Witch Envy
The witch is malevolent not because she is simply evil, but because she threatens incumbent power and the ways of knowing it relies on.
Jonathan Rowson • Witch Envy
The Witch is not easy to define or categorise. She’s an idea, a figure, a myth, an archetype, and a reality with her own transgressive epistemology. She thereby serves to shift perception and understanding, or at least invites such shifts, which many believe are essential today as ways to get out of our collective stuckness, and escape our ‘solipsi
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