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Wiki as a Commons
-Community can monitor behavior: edit history.
Gordon Brander • Wiki as a Commons
Open-ended meaning-making, shared world, scarce real-estate. These three properties are crucial. Every game with more than one player becomes a game about the interaction between those players. Without shared scarcity, there is no incentive to join our realities, and meaning-making becomes fork-only.
Gordon Brander • Wiki as a Commons
-Self-determination of the community: it’s a volunteer project.
Gordon Brander • Wiki as a Commons
Today’s internet is an Internet of Beefs. Flat, global networks like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are overrun by memetic epidemics — harassment mobs, disinformation, conspiracy theories, alternative facts, troll farms, state actors, ransomware, extremists. How is it that Wikipedia, with its cooperative ownership, has not been overrun by these sam... See more
Gordon Brander • Wiki as a Commons
-Clear boundaries: the wiki domain, and those who can edit it.
Gordon Brander • Wiki as a Commons
-In large commons, multiple levels of management: on Wikipedia, administrators.
Gordon Brander • Wiki as a Commons
Wikis are open-ended. Anyone can create a page for any purpose. Yet all page names belong to one global namespace. This creates a scarcity—who will define the meaning of each name? The result is a generative tussle that forces the emergence of negotiation, communal norms, communal goals, communal meanings.
Gordon Brander • Wiki as a Commons
-Cheap, accessible conflict resolution: rollbacks.
Gordon Brander • Wiki as a Commons
-Graduated sanctions for those who violate community rules: reprimands on talk pages, page rollbacks, banning.
Gordon Brander • Wiki as a Commons
-Managed by locals: wiki users.