Saved by sari
Wiki as a Commons
It sounded like utopia to me, before I remembered that a key part of our digital infrastructure is run similarly. Wikipedia remains one of the most-visited sites on the web, and it is owned and managed by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation. It shows. Wikipedia has never tried to become more than it is. It never pivoted to video or remade itself&nbs
... See moreNew York Times • Opinion | the Great Delusion Behind Twitter - The New York Times
Wikis take on one of the most basic questions of political philosophy: Who will guard the guardians? Their answer is, everyone. The basic bargain of a wiki means that people who care that the site not be used for that sort of prank have the edge, because it takes far longer to write a fake entry than to fix it.
Clay Shirky • Here Comes Everybody
Coase's Penguin is learning to fly: Building the Wikipedia of the future
Joey DeBruincreativekitchen.soWikipedia and TikTok seem miraculous. The next wave of the Internet will enable collaboration in many more field - both synchronous and asynchronous.
Eugene Wei • Tiktok, Emergent Creativity, The Limits of Social Graphs, and whatever else Eugene talked about (E1)
I think my experiences with the Wikimedia community have given me a pretty realistic view of how wonderful but also how difficult community-run projects can be. There are some issues that community-driven projects are prone to running up against: deciding issues when the community is split, dealing with abuse and harassment within the community, ha... See more