Why you can't rebuild Wikipedia with crypto

The Web3 Movement’s Quest to Build a ‘Can’t Be Evil’ Internet

Gilad Edelmanwired.com
Thumbnail of The Web3 Movement’s Quest to Build a ‘Can’t Be Evil’ Internet

What Happened to the New Internet?

Bryan Lehrerbryanlehrer.com
Thumbnail of What Happened to the New Internet?

sari and added

are we doomed to repeat web2 history?

Sarah Guosarahguo.com

Mo Shafieeha and added

The Atlantic How The Internet Is Like A Dying Star


The two biggest critiques of web3, analyzed

Nathan Baschezevery.to
Thumbnail of The two biggest critiques of web3, analyzed

sari added

My first impressions of web3


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Dirt Dirt | Substack

sari added

Coase's Penguin is learning to fly: Building the Wikipedia of the future

Joey DeBruincreativekitchen.so

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