Saved by Jilber Najem and
Why We Don't Trust Each Other Anymore
This is the backdrop of the whole phone as an extension of arm thing. The way that we experience time is completely warped now. Time has been compressed to the past and present and future all at once as we interact with everything all of the time across every time period, as Douglas Rushkoff discusses in his (very good book!) Present Shock .
kyla scanlon • Why We Don't Trust Each Other Anymore
Time is flat. There has never been more of it, but we have never been so busy. But we are busy with noise, moving along a timescale that is maybe just a little too fast!! Rushkoff argues that we have experienced narrative collapse.
kyla scanlon • Why We Don't Trust Each Other Anymore
Existing in the past is easier than engaging in the present.
But what happens when the past is not the past? As T. Becket Adams highlighted, Alicia Keys hit a sour note in her live Super Bowl appearance (it happens! It’s okay!) but it was edited out of the official YouTube page! He writes -
But what happens when the past is not the past? As T. Becket Adams highlighted, Alicia Keys hit a sour note in her live Super Bowl appearance (it happens! It’s okay!) but it was edited out of the official YouTube page! He writes -
For all the recent discussion re: the post-truth world, we... See more