Why This Matters — Footprint Development
Footprint Development
footprintdev.comEconomic, social and environmental drivers continue to force owners, developers, and homebuilders to find cost savings opportunities and innovative solutions .
Fifth Wall • The Future of Homebuilding: How 3D Printing Is Changing the Game | Fifth Wall
...new approaches to climate-related insurance lines (flood, wildfire, etc.), re-location away from vulnerable areas, and sustainable building techniques and materials (even deconstruction).
% Derisible • Theses for 2020
Architects and builders are creating structures that process their own wastewater, capture light, create energy, and provide habitat for wildlife and wealth for the community, all the while improving worker productivity, morale, and health.18
Paul Hawken • Natural Capitalism
The only way to significantly reduce housing development costs is to radically standardize development and harness all the economies of scale by sharing costs between multiple projects as well as leveraging industrialization and prefabrication, the same way it’s done in manufacturing.
Packy McCormick • Apt: The Natively Integrated Developer
Building new urban homes from wood instead of concrete and steel could save about 10% of the carbon budget needed to limit global heating to 2C this century.